Sunday, July 18, 2010

Ahhhh....air :)

So since we have moved we haven't exactly had great air conditioning. Supposedly the land lord had the furnace checked out, but it sure doesn't cool down anything. I kept the thermostat at 69 and the coldest it ever got was 79!!! I sweat like crazy and my poor husband can't figure out why. I'm sure he thinks I'm being a baby about it, but we kept the old place at 70 degrees and I'm pregnan=extra hot!

So since we have moved in I have been using two oscillating fans. If I'm in the living room, so are they. If I go to bed, they are there too. Where ever I go, they go. It helps even if it is only blowing warm air.

My parents took pitty on us and brought over a big window air conditioner. George helped dad put it in a window in the living room. Mean time, mom helped me with a little more decorating. By the time my parents left...I thought I was going to need a sweatshirt!! Okay, maybe not quite a sweatshirt but the air was getting cooler and I didn't need the fans anymore. What a BLESSING!!!!!

With the burst of cool air come some energy. I organized an area in the living room where we will change diapers, swing the baby, place for her bassinet, and brought down some of her clothes to put in a drawer on the main floor.

Thank you so much to my parents!!! You're lifesavers!!!

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