Saturday, July 24, 2010

Kendra's Baby Shower

One of my former co-workers and friends, Kendra Hough had her baby shower on July 24th in Graetinger. She is due to have her baby girl on August 6th...unless she comes before then. ;) I really wanted to go to the shower so at my last doctor appointment on Tuesday, I asked my doctor if I could go. She said I was clear to go as long as I knew where the nearest hospital was (Graetinger is an hour and half away from Fort Dodge)!

I found another friend, Jessica Lenz, who was planning to go to the shower as well. So we rode together. What a blessing! George was a little stressed letting me go that far away but was happy to know that I wouldn't be alone. Jessica decided that she would drive so I grabbed my stuff from my car. She gave me an odd look when I put a towel down on the seat. HELLO!!!! If by some odd chance my water would break I don't want to get it on your seats!! She laughed and laughed. Her boyfriend sent her with his GPS system just in case so we could find the nearest hospital. Needless to say we were prepared.

We had a wonderful time at Kendra's baby shower. They played some really fun games too. One game in particular was pretty funny. You drew a card and on your card was a saying...some included: night of conception, tiny toes, those that can't breast feed, contractions, etc. Then you went to a table and had to pick out the candy that matched your word such as: night of conception= skor, tiny toes= tootsie rolls, those that can't breast feed= milk duds, and contractions= whoopers. It was a fun little game!

Kendra was blessed by the presence of great family and friends. And she received some pretty awesome gifts for her little bundle too. Some of her family is quite crafty and made some awesome blankets and towels.

Kendra Hough and Jessica Lenz.

Me and Kendra (and our little girls in our bellies). I was 38 weeks and 3 days pregnant. I look and feel like I could "pop" at any moment.

Part of my gift to Kendra was a pink/purple tutu and a flower head band to match. I made the tutu. I also gave her some baby booties and wooden letter blocks. I told her that she could use the letter blocks to spell out the baby's name in some of the pictures that they take of her as well as write how old she day, one week, two weeks, etc.

There was some pretty cute little babies at the shower too. We got one little girl to model the tutu and head band.

Isn't she just the cutest little thing ever!!!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Ahhhh....air :)

So since we have moved we haven't exactly had great air conditioning. Supposedly the land lord had the furnace checked out, but it sure doesn't cool down anything. I kept the thermostat at 69 and the coldest it ever got was 79!!! I sweat like crazy and my poor husband can't figure out why. I'm sure he thinks I'm being a baby about it, but we kept the old place at 70 degrees and I'm pregnan=extra hot!

So since we have moved in I have been using two oscillating fans. If I'm in the living room, so are they. If I go to bed, they are there too. Where ever I go, they go. It helps even if it is only blowing warm air.

My parents took pitty on us and brought over a big window air conditioner. George helped dad put it in a window in the living room. Mean time, mom helped me with a little more decorating. By the time my parents left...I thought I was going to need a sweatshirt!! Okay, maybe not quite a sweatshirt but the air was getting cooler and I didn't need the fans anymore. What a BLESSING!!!!!

With the burst of cool air come some energy. I organized an area in the living room where we will change diapers, swing the baby, place for her bassinet, and brought down some of her clothes to put in a drawer on the main floor.

Thank you so much to my parents!!! You're lifesavers!!!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Birthing class #2....or not

So tonight we were to go to our second round of the birthing class. Before we were to take off to class I wanted to throw a load of laundry in. George carries the clothes down to the basement and I put them in. Tonight we noticed that there was water in the basement! UGH. Good thing we don't keep anything down there.

We called the land lord and he said he would be over to check it out. Class started at 6pm and he showed up at 8pm...go figure! Said he would have a plumber come to take care of it in the morning. In the meantime use the bathroom sparingly as that water is coming up to. GROSS!!!!

How can a pregnant lady not go to the bathroom?

Well the next day the plumber came and the cause of the clog was hair...supposedly my hair! Man I must be losing a heck of a lot to clog that drain. Doubtful.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Another trip to see Dr. Olson

So today we had a follow-up appointment. Got some good news too...the baby is head down, starting to dilate and the strep B test came back negative.

We are getting so excited for her arrival! I even started to make some tutus for her to if only she will hurry up and get here!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Girls just wanna have fun!

I was needing to get a few things in Des Moines prior to baby Osai's grand enterance, so I called my friend Marcia Dahlstrom to go with. I picked her up in Ames and got to see her family for a bit. Marcia recently gave birth to her second child and this afternoon of a girls get-a-way would be her longest time away from her kids.

We had such a great time together. We started off by going to Me and Mommy-to-be in Ankeny. It's a neat little consignment shop that has some really cool flower head bands so I just had to get a few for our little one on the way.

Next we headed off to PF Chang's to eat lunch. I hadn't eaten there in years and that was back when we lived in Virginia. It was a nice change of pace and a good choice by Marcia.

I needed to run into Jordan Creek Town Center to pick something up real quick, but was afraid that I would be stuck parking far away as the lots were looking pretty full until I found one just screaming my name...

What a blessing as I was starting to get a little tired! Got the stuff I needed in that mall and next we were off to Valley West for pjs and eventually to Babies R Us.

Time just went way too fast for us. But it was great hanging out with a good friend again. Thanks again Marcia for such a great day!

Friday, July 9, 2010

Flirty at 30!

Yesterday was my mom's birthday. Little did I know that she (along with some of my friends) had something up their sleeve. I was asked to go to lunch by one of my co-workers/friends, Sandi Buhl. Nothing too unusual about that. But I mentioned to Sandi that I might not be able to go as I was needing to pick up mom's birthday pie. Sandi had mom call George and got him to do it so I could go out to lunch.

We arrived at Sister Sadies for lunch and I recognized one co-workers car there. I just figured that she must be there eating with a friend too. We went into the place (using the wrong door) and then went to our seat. It was a table that was beautifully decorated and had birthday balloons. Soon to join us was my mom, Linda Zehr, and Brittany Bush. It was such a wonderful way to not only celebrate my birthday, but mom's too! I love my friends!!!

Later in the day I had yet another doctor appointment. Was hoping it would be a quickie as the ones in the past have been. Appointment was to be at 4:15pm and I needed to be in Manson at 6pm to celebrate mom's birthday. But like my normal appointments lately...the doctor was down in labor and delivery! The nerve! haha At least I saw a friend there to talk with in the meantime.

I finally got to see the doctor around 5:30pm. Had my strep B test and will get the results at my next visit. She said the baby and everything else was looking good. We discussed my bad experience with one of the doctors and said that she might end up inducing me just so I wouldn't have to have that doctor. Wish should could have done it that day!!!

Had a great time in Manson celebrating mom's birthday as well as mine. I always enjoy good family time. My family and friends must think that I have terrible pregnancy feet as I got three gift certificates for pedicures!!! haha I least I will be pampered.

The next day at work was quite interesting. I arrived to find my office looking like this....

two co-workers had foiled my desk! Everything on it was covered in lotion, hand sanitizer, water bottle, stapler, fan, pictures, computer, chair, name was covered! I thought it was pretty funny. Thank you Ginny and Tera!

Another co-worker, Stacy Johnson, made scotcharoos for me. She knows how much I enjoy them. After work, George had peanut butter soup and rice balls for me. Yummy! Can't get any better than this! Maybe 30 won't be so bad afterall.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Birthing Class

So tonight was the first night of our birthing class. Was quite a good size group of people there too. Nice to see a few familiar faces, but at the same time wondering why people were there if they have already given birth before. Maybe they forgot the pain and torture it was the last time?

We did learn a few things in class tonight. Child birth is definitely a is staying awake for a class that doesn't end until 9pm! Our instructor was nice and a little odd too. She likes to fidget. And by that I mean she walked around either playing with her name badge or with a pelvic bone and a baby doll!

Bonus of the night...cookies and free magazines! Not sure if we will return next week for class. George says its up to me...we shall see...

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The Lion's head...

Jake woke up this morning and was ready to play. He couldn't wait for his uncle George to get home from work. George was in the kitchen and Jake went to get him saying, "Uncle George you've got to come see this!!" He was so excited as he was watching a Dr. Seuss movie. It was funny. Unfortunately George couldn't play long as he was tired and time for him to go to bed. So Jake and I headed off to the park up the block.

It was the first time that either of us had been at the park and we had such a great time. Jake's favorite part was the lion head drinking fountain. He would take a drink...go play for a five minutes...then come back for another drink. He even said he wanted his daddy to make him a lion's head fountain! haha

It's great to see his imagination at work. He would pretend that we were on an airplane as a tunnel on the playground has windows like an airplane, then it would become a space ship. What a clever little guy.

Later on it was time for him to go home and time for Aunt Missy to take a much needed nap!

That evening I ate supper at my sister's house with her husband's brother and sister and their spouses and children. Was fun to see them. Then I was off to a 30th birthday party for some high school classmates: Brad Poppen, Kevin and Kyle Stuart, and Heath Holtapp. There were tons of people at the party and it was fun to talk to people that I haven't seen for quite some time, but I quickly got tired and headed for home.

Sad to say that I was home by 10 pm on a Saturday night! haha

Friday, July 2, 2010

A date with my nephew Jake and my mom

Tonight my mom and my nephew Jake came to spend some time with me. We grilled supper and sat outside to eat, played ladder ball (when Jake would get a ball on the ladder he would say, "I must have been a good boy cause I got it on!"), hide and seek, and went up town to watch the fireworks. Jake went down the bouncey thing a few times and loved it. Then it was time to find our perfect spot to watch the fireworks.

While we waiting for the beginning of the show we quickly downed our melting ice cream cones from the Dariette (awesome place to get flavored ice cream...definitely my favorite!). Then it was show time. It was great to see and hear Jake's reactions to the fireworks. We called his mommy and he tried to decribe it to her..everything was, "BOOM! BOOM!" and then he would laugh and get so excited. One of the downsides of watching the fireworks was that it was a late night for us and Jake fell asleep on his nana's lap. So precious!

It was time for all of us to go home to bed.
We had such a great evening together. Will definitely need to do it again soon.